Our Vision
Our mission is to support the veterans of our community in their time of need, and work towards a greater good. We are tireless in our efforts to feed the hungry and clothe the poor. We help those seeking help in a time of need. Our non-profit organization serves people of all races, creeds, and religions. We do not discriminate. We merely support our fellow veterans, and serve as a guiding light.
Our volunteer base is growing at a steady pace. With this growth, we have been able to accomplish more, and have a larger impact upon our community. We welcome all donations with open arms. Please inquire today about how you can become a cherished part of the Veterans Care Charity family.

About Veterans Care Charity
Veterans Care Charity is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves the Las Vegas, Nev. veteran community through outreach programs and initiatives designed to help veterans in need. Founded by proud Vietnam-era veteran Bob Martin and his wife of over 55 years. Veterans Care Charity is committed to improving the lives of our American Heroes. Since its inception, Veterans Care Charity has served over 3,000 veterans through community health and housing initiatives, providing immediate assistance to those in need. The Veterans Care Charity places great value on equality and fairness for all and is located at 10120 W Flamingo Road #4-344, Las Vegas, Nev 89147.
For more information, please visit Veteran’s Care Charity’s website at veteranscarecharity.com, to learn more about their initiatives and donate. Learn more about their community events by liking their Facebook page. Veterans Care Charity can be contacted by emailing info@veteranscarecharity.org or by calling 702-347-7040.
Veterans Care Charity
From 2021 to NOW, we have shipped over 700,000 pairs of socks to the Salvation Army for disaster relief Centers along with hygiene kits, blankets, and other essentials. These contributions have significantly impacted VA Veterans Stand Downs for homeless Veterans and others in need. Furthermore, thousands of teddy bears have been sent to express our gratitude to first responders.
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Veterans Care Charity Mission:
The mission of Veterans Care Charity is to support veterans in their time of need and create a more perfect environment. Wherever there is need or injustice, Veterans Care Charity will offer its resources regardless of economic status or affiliation.

Veterans Care Charity is dedicated to improving the lives of our veterans in the community by creating an environment of hope and unity. We promise to work tirelessly to improve conditions for our veterans and others in the community and affect positive changes in their lives. We affirm the importance of working together to find solutions. Veterans Care Charity will not profit from our endeavors. We believe in fairness for all. Veterans Care Charity will not waiver in the conviction to create a better community for our veterans and for all citizens.